第二百零四章 乐乎娱乐(2 / 2)
杨武摇了摇头轻声道:“华夏歌,我又不会,还是算了,你们玩吧,”说完拿起桌上的spirytus rektyfikowany,倒上一杯,猛地一口灌入,缓缓闭上眼睛,感受着那浓厚酒精,焚烧自己喉咙与胃的感觉。
杨武缓缓睁开眼睛,无奈的摇了摇头,知道自己今天不唱的话,张琳那丫头是不会放过自己了,笑道:“那好吧,一首within tempatation的what have you done”很快一个雄厚的中性的声音在包间里缓缓传荡开来。
“i know i better stop trying
you know that there's no denying
i won't show mercy on you now
i know i should stop beleiving
i know that there's no retreating
it's over now
what have you done?
what have you done now?
i, i've been waiting for someone like you
but now you are slipping away
(what have you done now?)
why? why does fate make us suffer?
there's a curse between us
between me and you
what have you done?
would you mind if i killed you?
would you mind if i tryed to cause you have
turned into my worst enemy?
you carry hate that i feel
it's over now
what have you done?
what have you done now?
i, i've been waiting for someone like you
but now you are slipping away
(what have you done now?)
why? why does fate make us suffer?
there's a curse between us
between me and you
what have you done?
i will not fall
won't let it go
we will be free when it ends
i, i've been waiting for someone like you
but now you are slipping away
(what have you done now?)
why? why does fate make us suffer?
there's a curse between us
between me and you”